Codependency to Confidence: Lindsay's Healing and Empowering Moving Experience

In this episode, Lindsay reflects on the major life event of moving to a new home and shares the process and lessons learned along the way. 2023 has been a significant year for Lindsay, who launched the Unstuck on You podcast and consulting business. Feeling the need for change, Lindsay embarked on a 12-week journey summarized into five key steps: finding a condo, preparing the existing house for sale, closing on both properties, renovating the condo, and finally, moving in and getting settled.

Lindsay opens up about personal struggles with codependency and self-worth, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing one's own qualities. The decision to sell the existing house was driven by intuition and a desire for more income, time, and space. Through the support of a real estate agent and a strong network, Lindsay shares how she was successfully able to prepare the house for sale, engaging in downsizing, donating, and seeking help from friends and family.

Upon reaching the milestone of getting the house under contract, Lindsay shifts focus to the new place and decides to embark on significant improvements to make it feel truly like home. With the guidance of an interior designer, a full-scale renovation plan was created, incorporating new flooring, kitchen, painting, and other updates. Lindsay’s project management skills and resourcefulness were key in overcoming obstacles and staying on track.

Packing up the old house brought unexpected emotional challenges for Lindsay as she was confronted memories and sentimental items, including those related to her past marriage. The process allowed for a cathartic release of buried emotions and served as a reminder of the grief associated with the end of an envisioned life. Despite the difficulties, Lindsay shares the solace she found in the ability to embrace vulnerability and express emotions genuinely.

Finally settled into the new place, Lindsay talks about a new phase of adjustment, embracing change, and actively designing a new life. The importance of daily grounding practices and self-confidence is highlighted as essential in navigating uncertainty and embracing intentional choices. The episode concludes with a message of encouragement, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their journeys and that they are deserving of the changes they seek. Lindsay emphasizes the significance of cultivating a home within oneself as the foundation for all other aspects of life.


Lindsay's New Home, New Intentions, and Feng Shui Fun with Megan Gilbride


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